Clay Caudell

SquirrelWaffle Static Analysis

Preface This is the first write-up I’ll be publishing as I delve into malware analysis. For this post I will be using the config extraction work of Sergei Frankoff, co-founder of OpenAnalysis, as a...

Reverse Engineering Vehicle Update Files

Backstory / Introduction I own a relatively new Dodge vehicle, one new enough to have a touch screen infotainment system, and require system updates. Well recently my vehicle was prompted with an u...

iOS Tweak Development : 5

Note This series of posts is not made as strictly a tutorial While I will be explaining how things work and giving instruction on iOS tweak development, the purpose of this posting is to explain an...

iOS Tweak Development : 4

Note This series of posts is not made as strictly a tutorial While I will be explaining how things work and giving instruction on iOS tweak development, the purpose of this posting is to explain an...

iOS Tweak Development : 3

Note This series of posts is not made as strictly a tutorial While I will be explaining how things work and giving instruction on iOS tweak development, the purpose of this posting is to explain an...

iOS Tweak Development : 2

Note This series of posts is not made as strictly a tutorial While I will be explaining how things work and giving instruction on iOS tweak development, the purpose of this posting is to explain an...

iOS Tweak Development : 1

Note This series of posts is not made as strictly a tutorial. While I will be explaining how things work and giving instruction on iOS tweak development, the purpose of this posting is to explain a...

Hello World!

printf("Hello World!"); Hello and welcome to my website! On this website I will be highlighting some of the projects I am working on, as well as discussing topics that may interest me. Please tak...